DIY Auto Detailing Guide | Do It Yourself Auto Detailing and Tips and Tricks

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How To Wax Your Car?

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Waxing your car is an important part of auto detailing that many people seem to have forgotten. Today we have a variety of waxes to suit each one’s convenience. There are some for the real cleaning enthusiasts who will take time and enjoy the process. Let us see the different methods for a squeaky-clean car.


Clay + Wax

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4880 Hits

Polish Or Wax?

A car is anybody’s pride. When you purchase a car, you spend so much time choosing the model, color, etc. Apart from the performance part, what people look for is the appearance of the vehicle. And it is a matter of pride to show off a new car.

But after a couple of years, the car loses its sheen. You still like to show off your car. You can’t keep changing your car. So, what can you do to make your car look the same as it was when you purchased it? How can you bring back that shiny bright look?


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Car detailing tips- why to use waterless car cleaning wax

Being an auto detailer, I have seen it too often, that people do not bother about their car’s paint. As a result, the car starts to look old no matter whether it is a few months or years old. Here are a few tips that assures your paint job last longer than you expected. For this, you do not have to visit an auto detailer or splurge extra money. Keep it clean is the first rule: Dust, dirt, tree sap and bugs all these things can lead to rapid deterioration of your car’s paint. That does not mean you have to wash your car every fortnight. Switch to waterless car spray wax. You can clean your auto car without wasting a drop of water.

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1261 Hits

Waterless car cleaning wax- benefits

If you want your car to look shining as well as lower the water bills, waterless car cleaning wax is the solution you are looking for. Apart from money, it also helps you lower carbon footprint. As the name implies, the product lets you clean your car and make it look radiant. All you need to do is apply it to the vehicle and then rub it off using microfiber towels. It gives you a polished and clean looking car. The procedure just takes twenty minutes. Here are the reasons for which you should switch from water cleaning to waterless cleaning of your vehicle. It saves much money: When you wash your car with water, it cost you between $5 that adds up to $240 yearly. A waterless car cleaning wax comes at just $14.95.

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1665 Hits

Waterless car cleaning wax- a revolutionary car detailing product

When your car needs a wash, half of the day is wasted. Just imagine what if washing, polishing and waxing can be done in just one single step…. All without water. It sounds amazing. There has been much buzz of waterless car cleaning wax in the market these days. These products break out the traditional car cleaning mindset of using buckets, pipes and sponges and cleaning agent. How is waterless car cleaning wax is better than traditional car washes?

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2208 Hits

Waterless car cleaning wax- a few important tips

In today’s world, there has been a constant buzz about environmentally friendly products. It is the way all citizens can contribute their bit in saving natural resources that are depleting at a very fast pace. One important way, we can give our bit to the environment is by switching to Waterless car cleaning products. All countries today are facing water crisis. Lack of rain leads to droughts, and moreover, our natural water resources are also depleting fast. There is a huge speculation that our coming generations will have to face serious water crisis. In the realm of this scenario, waterless car cleaning products come as a big respite.

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2227 Hits

Waterless car cleaning wax- to keep your shining and all new

Owing a car gives us a sense of pride, regardless of its price. For buying one, you might have worked hard. The one you have bought so expensive and is your favorite needs to be well taken care of. So it becomes your duty to keep it clean and to shine. Washing your car regularly can do wonders on it, both in terms of aesthetics and maintenance. Not only makes your vehicle look cleaner, but also makes it more appealing to the eye. It also helps the car’s paint to remain for long. A car wash includes three components, the wash, and a coat of car wax or polish.

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  1260 Hits
1260 Hits

Waterless car cleaning wax- Useful tips

Waxing your car seems tough when you do not know the right technique to perform the task. This article discusses the method of waxing your car. Things you need to wax your car:

  • Clean and dry car
  • Bottle of waterless car cleaning wax
  • Clean terry cloth towels
  • Small sized sponge
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1195 Hits