Car detailing tips- why to use waterless car cleaning wax

Being an auto detailer, I have seen it too often, that people do not bother about their car’s paint. As a result, the car starts to look old no matter whether it is a few months or years old. Here are a few tips that assures your paint job last longer than you expected. For this, you do not have to visit an auto detailer or splurge extra money. Keep it clean is the first rule: Dust, dirt, tree sap and bugs all these things can lead to rapid deterioration of your car’s paint. That does not mean you have to wash your car every fortnight. Switch to waterless car spray wax. You can clean your auto car without wasting a drop of water.

Just park the car in the shade, dust and then use a small portion of wax on it. Apply it, leave and buff it. Avoid soaps Like you do not wash your clothes with the bathing soap, do not wash your car with a washing soap. They are not meant for them. It can damage your car’s paint. Thick threads are not for the vehicles Microfiber is a synthetic fiber made up from tiny threads. It is the reason the cloth is absorbent and soft for the surface of the auto. It does not scratch your car. When you use thick clothes to clean the vehicle, it leaves marks on them. Sun is your biggest enemy Do not wash your car in direct sunlight especially when the weather is not-so-cool. Excessive heat causes the wax to melt which leads to spots. Hence leaving swirl marks behind. Park your car in the shade and then clean it. Clean it in sections Do not just apply the car wax on the entire vehicle in a single go. Apply and rinse in sections for better results. Moreover, it gives you enough time to wipe it before it actually dries up. Buff it properly To avoid any spots and stains, buff your car properly. Use a microfiber cloth to do this. With these tips, you can save hundreds of dollars that you spend to avail services of a professional. Regularly cleaning your car keeps it lustrous and clean. It also extends the lifetime of your car’s shine. A microfiber cloth and a quality waterless car cleaning wax are all what you need. Fukken wax is a reliable waterless car wash product. It leaves your car clean and protected. It is 100% environmentally friendly and contains Carnauba wax in it. For ordering one, visit us.

Benefits of using Car wax spray
Fukken Wax Shine


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