DIY Auto Detailing Guide | Do It Yourself Auto Detailing and Tips and Tricks

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How To Wax Your Car?

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Waxing your car is an important part of auto detailing that many people seem to have forgotten. Today we have a variety of waxes to suit each one’s convenience. There are some for the real cleaning enthusiasts who will take time and enjoy the process. Let us see the different methods for a squeaky-clean car.


Clay + Wax

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4880 Hits

Polish Or Wax?

A car is anybody’s pride. When you purchase a car, you spend so much time choosing the model, color, etc. Apart from the performance part, what people look for is the appearance of the vehicle. And it is a matter of pride to show off a new car.

But after a couple of years, the car loses its sheen. You still like to show off your car. You can’t keep changing your car. So, what can you do to make your car look the same as it was when you purchased it? How can you bring back that shiny bright look?


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4707 Hits

DIY Car Detailing Importance

Shine your car with diy auto detailing

DIY Car Detailing Importance

Shine your car with DIY auto detailing

Auto detailing can be a tiring job when you do it by yourself. This requires step- by- step procedure so expect that effort and patience are necessary. Whenever you administer DIY Car Detailing, you need to understand its importance. It is also different from car wash so definitely, although car wash helps, it is not enough to keep the vehicle at its best aesthetic condition.

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1296 Hits

Benefits of using Car wax spray

Spray based car wax have become a very common sight today. These products maintain the car’s paint and are convenient to use. The article talks of several ways the car owners should include car wax spray in their car care products. It saves water Washing a car without hose and water seems a distant idea. But it is true with Car wax spray. It saves around 100 gallons of fresh water that we use in cleaning our vehicle. Our natural resources are depleting, and we are running out of water. So switching to this product help you save water.

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1836 Hits

Car Waxing Tips

As a car owner, we look for ways to preserve our car’s paint. We use many products that make our vehicles look shining and all new. Here are the few surprising tips that you can try, when you wax your car. Wax the car clockwise and buff it anti-clockwise Save your time by applying the car cleaning wax in a clockwise manner and then remove it the opposite way. You will observe that how easily you are able to wax your auto. The process becomes much easier this way, and above all you save much time that you can spend doing some other important household chores. Car wax is durable Carnauba wax lasts longer.

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  1772 Hits
1772 Hits

When to wax your car?

To see your car buried in dust and dirt is a big pain. When you drive a dirty car, you get unwanted attention and comments. Apart from this, it also slows down your driving speed, as the dirt on the windshield may hamper your vision or dirt may have stuck on the wheels of the car. No matter how fast you drive, those dirt and dust particle slows you down. So it becomes necessary to clean your car in a routine. However, you can maintain its look and appeal by using a car wax.

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2363 Hits

Waterless car cleaning- environmental friendly and less tedious

Have you heard about washing your car without water? Do not get perplexed. It is not a magic. Commercial auto washes use pressurized water sprays, shampoo, and especially designer rolling brush and wipes, to clean your vehicle. Even you do the same with your vehicle before going to an important event. You spend hours on this process. However, this practice has not been considered safe for your environment. So to contribute to the environment, we can shift from the conventional car washing to waterless car cleaning wax. These products lift away the dirt from the conveyance exterior.

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  1263 Hits
1263 Hits

Waterless Car Cleaning Wax- Advantages and Tips

In the past, there was no such thing like all-in-one car wash and wax product. If you wanted to wash and wax your car, you had to buy ample of products. It was time consuming and expensive also. Today, you can clean and polish your car is just one go with waterless car cleaning products that also contain wax in it. Waterless car cleaning wax dissolves and removes the dirt from the surface of the car. Just spray a little amount of the formula on your car and rub it in a circular motion with a soft terry cloth. After this, buff the haze using a microfiber cloth. Choosing a Waterless Car Cleaning Wax There are several brands that offer this product. So it may become difficult for you to choose one brand.

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  1163 Hits
1163 Hits

Car Wax Buying Guide

Car wax is one of the major and most widely used products, which is used to give your vehicle a perfect showroom shine. It is a boon for those who used to send their cars to service centers especially to give it a new look. But before you think of purchasing a car wax, it is necessary for you to consider the following points: There are varieties of car shine enhancers available in the market. The car wax and the car polish are one of them. Car polish on the one hand uses abrasives while the car wax is non abrasive in nature. Apart from this, the car wax is available in different forms like paste liquid and spray.

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  1261 Hits
1261 Hits

Car Wax-Benefits, Apprehensions, Considerations

Waxing your car is not that simple as it sounds. The foremost step is deciding to opt for one car wax over the other. With the growing popularity of car wax, many new brands have come up in the market. Deciding from so many options becomes even more difficult. Car wax is available in paste and liquid forms. They can either be applied with hands or using a machine. Price is not only the criteria to select a product. Many cheap products may allure you, but they may damage your car. So if you are considering to give your vehicle a smooth and glossy perfection, here the few things you should know.

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