Car Waxing Tips

As a car owner, we look for ways to preserve our car’s paint. We use many products that make our vehicles look shining and all new. Here are the few surprising tips that you can try, when you wax your car. Wax the car clockwise and buff it anti-clockwise Save your time by applying the car cleaning wax in a clockwise manner and then remove it the opposite way. You will observe that how easily you are able to wax your auto. The process becomes much easier this way, and above all you save much time that you can spend doing some other important household chores. Car wax is durable Carnauba wax lasts longer.

They can repel weather conditions for a long time. Your car is protected against rain, dust, storm and other pollutants in the environment. It is also advisable to use such products once a month. If you use your car daily to commute to and from the work, consider waxing it twice a month. For optimum protection of your auto, use it when you feel like using it. Many people also use them every week. Difference b/w car wax and polish There is still lot of confusion when it comes to car care. People do not know the difference between car polish and car wax. Polish is like sandpaper and wax is like a film of oil on the exterior of your car. A polish is that gives your vehicle showroom shine. Wax acts a sealant. It does not fill imperfections on the paint. Polish evens the surface and gives the top of the car a smooth look. It is why a polished car looks more attractive. If a polish makes your car shine, waxing offer protection. More about car wax Ask around the best car wax brand. Do a bit of research online. Also, make sure you read the product reviews on popular consumer websites. Begin the procedure on freshly cleaned car. The surface must not be dusty. It must be spec cleaned. Take a small amount of the product on a cloth and begin it applying on one section of the car. Let it stay on the top of the auto and then buff it in the opposite direction. After you are finished, take another clean cloth and go back over the whole car again. If you are looking for quality car wax product, consider Fukken Wax. It is a car cleaning wax made up from natural ingredients. It protects your car and increase longevity of its paint.

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Waterless car cleaning wax- Useful tips


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