DIY Auto Detailing Guide | Do It Yourself Auto Detailing and Tips and Tricks

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Waterless car cleaning wax- to keep your shining and all new

Owing a car gives us a sense of pride, regardless of its price. For buying one, you might have worked hard. The one you have bought so expensive and is your favorite needs to be well taken care of. So it becomes your duty to keep it clean and to shine. Washing your car regularly can do wonders on it, both in terms of aesthetics and maintenance. Not only makes your vehicle look cleaner, but also makes it more appealing to the eye. It also helps the car’s paint to remain for long. A car wash includes three components, the wash, and a coat of car wax or polish.

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1698 Hits

Car waxing tips that can help in best results

Have you seen a car shining even on a sunny day that makes you feel go wow while you have a look at the car? It is definitely the effect of a car wax. Now do you think it is difficult to go about it yourself? But the answer is it really isn’t. What seems difficult is actually too easy to achieve. So whenever you plan to do it yourself, you are good to go with these few tips When starting with the process, the car wax has to be chosen that should include the component Carnauba wax as it is the one that gives the most shine to the vehicle. Remember that no car wax can be 100% Carnauba wax as it becomes as hard as a brick.

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1181 Hits

Car Waxing Tips

As a car owner, we look for ways to preserve our car’s paint. We use many products that make our vehicles look shining and all new. Here are the few surprising tips that you can try, when you wax your car. Wax the car clockwise and buff it anti-clockwise Save your time by applying the car cleaning wax in a clockwise manner and then remove it the opposite way. You will observe that how easily you are able to wax your auto. The process becomes much easier this way, and above all you save much time that you can spend doing some other important household chores. Car wax is durable Carnauba wax lasts longer.

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1248 Hits

Waterless car cleaning wax- Useful tips

Waxing your car seems tough when you do not know the right technique to perform the task. This article discusses the method of waxing your car. Things you need to wax your car:

  • Clean and dry car
  • Bottle of waterless car cleaning wax
  • Clean terry cloth towels
  • Small sized sponge
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2300 Hits

Raining and Waxing-a few tips to consider

Making your car look gleaming and radiant is a tiresome job. If on a weekend, when you are all set to wax your car, a sudden rain shower leaves you in a quandary. A debate might start within you, whether or not wax the car during the rainy season. We all know that the rain can quickly remove the protectant we apply to our car. No matter what wax you use, synthetic or carnauba, it will not last for long due to continuous rain. There are many questions that come in your mind like whether you should wax your car in the garage? Alternatively, just let the rain stop. Here are the few tips you can consider.

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1593 Hits

Products that make job easier while waxing the Car

You have already chosen the auto wax and now you wish to apply the Carnauba wax in a little time; a car that shines flawlessly is the eventual goal of those who want to maintain their car well and in a perfect way. Carnauba wax way is an easy to use wax and produces the best results in terms of the lustrous look as well as the protection of the surface along with minimum time required to wax the car. There is a way that can save your time and can also guarantee you these results. That is an Applicator Can gun which can be attached to the aerosol spray cans so that, it makes the job easier.

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1101 Hits

When to wax your car?

To see your car buried in dust and dirt is a big pain. When you drive a dirty car, you get unwanted attention and comments. Apart from this, it also slows down your driving speed, as the dirt on the windshield may hamper your vision or dirt may have stuck on the wheels of the car. No matter how fast you drive, those dirt and dust particle slows you down. So it becomes necessary to clean your car in a routine. However, you can maintain its look and appeal by using a car wax.

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1244 Hits

Car Wax in Aerosol Spray form

Do you find it time consuming to apply car wax to make it shine. Does it make you feel frustrated that it takes you hours to wax your car? Then here is something that will make your job really easier cutting down on time with more than half of what it usually takes. It is the Aerosol Spray wax that comes in a can and is a perfect alternative to get glossy look of the car. The best part is that this spray wax is the Carnauba wax and it is one of the best waxes to give your car a new look. Carnauba wax comes with a lot of benefits and when in an aerosol spray form it is like an icing on the cake.

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1357 Hits

Waterless car cleaning wax- things to know

Sun, wind, debris.... is the most harmful pollutants that cause oxidation and ruin the car’s paint. You need to protect your car from the damage. In the recent years, waterless car cleaning wax products are much in demand. These products take care of your car’s surface and form a protective layer around it. This layer safeguards the exterior of the auto from harmful elements in the atmosphere. These products are formulated using a number of cleaning agents and lubricants and also contain Carnauba wax. It lifts environmental debris and oxidation from the paint.

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1279 Hits

Go green with Waterless car cleaning wax

No matter in which state you reside in, every state has strict laws on water contamination. Our natural resources are depleting very fast. This is the reason waterless methods are becoming the best way to wash your car. Waterless car cleaning wax has gained popularity in the recent years. It was developed especially keeping in mind the present environmental condition. It is used as an alternative to environmentally-damaging procedures of the past. When you clean your car with water, the water soiled with dirt and cleaning chemicals are drained into the local gutter from which it gets mixed with other water resources.

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1201 Hits